Talks &

30.07.2024: “Municipal Structural Adjustment: Conceptualizing the efforts of global climate finance initiatives in Mexican secondary cities”. Hilbrandt, H., MAU Conference: The Transcalar Politics of Urban Development, UCL London.

25.07.2024, “The chainmaker: On those who sustain policy over time”; Hilbrandt, H. and E. Barroso, RC21 Conference, Santiago.

31.08.2023, “Thinking across development finance and the financialization of urban development: green infrastructure finance and institutional transformations in Southern cities”; Barroso, E., Grafe, F-J. and H. Hilbrandt, RGS-IBG Conference, London.

31.08.2023: "Municipal Structural Adjustment: The Institutionalization of Global Climate Finance in Chennai”, Grafe, F.-J., RGS-IBG Conference, London.

30.08.2023: “The Development and Climate Agencies agenda. Shifts in local governance of a Mexican secondary city”. Barroso, E., RGS-IBG Conference, London.

14.02.2023: “Las Ciudades Secundarias en el Foco de la Financiarización: La (Nueva) Agenda Urbana de las Organizaciones para el Desarrollo y el Cambio Climático”, Hilbrandt, H. and E. Barroso, Geography Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

08.02.2023: “Municipal Structural Adjustment? Institutional Change through Greening Climate Finance”, Hilbrandt, H., Geography Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

25.01.2023: “Financialization and structural adjustment at the level of the local state: An everyday perspective on policy implementation in Mexican cities”, Hilbrandt, H., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

16.11.2022:Städte des globalen Südens im Fokus von Klima- und Entwicklungsfinanzierung: Die (neue) urbane Agenda internationaler Finanzinstitutionen”, Hilbrandt, H., University of Zurich, Department of Geography.

05.09.2022: Financialization and structural adjustment at the level of the local state”, Hilbrandt, H., RGS-IBG, Newcastle.

17.06.2022: "Fragile Spaces of Climate Finance", Grafe, F.-J., Milan EURA Conference

09.06.2022: “The Financial Ecologies of Climate Urbanism”, Grafe, F.-J., Dublin Global Economic Geography Conference.

07.06.2022:Everyday perspectives on Financialization and structural adjustment at the level of the local state”, Hilbrandt, H. , Dublin Global Economic Geography Conference.

14.07.2022:Law, Debt, and the Socio-Climate Emergency”, Hilbrandt, H., Legal Studies Association meeting, Lisbon.

06.-07.05.2022: Mini-conference of the Urban Climate Finance network “Decentring Urban Climate Finance. Relational Comparison in Theory and Practice”, University of Zurich, co-organized with Sarah Knuth (Durham) and Enora Robin (Sheffield).

05.05.2022: SNSF-funded Project Workshop “The Urbanization of Global Climate Finance”, Hilbrandt, H., University of Zurich, co-organized with Fritz-Julius Grafe.

06.-07.05.2022: Online Workshop of the Urban Climate Finance Network “Decentring Urban Climate Finance. Relational Comparison in Theory and Practice”, Hilbrandt, H. & F.J. Grafe, virtual event at the University of Durham, co-organized with Sarah Knuth (Durham) and Enora Robin (Sheffield).

08.12.21: "Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders", Grafe, F.-J., Society for Risk Analysis Conference

07.10.2021:Topologien der Finanzialisierung: Wie Urbane Klima- und Entwicklungsinitiativen Räume der Macht verschieben“, Hilbrandt, H. and F.-J. Grafe,  #GeoWoche2021 - Fachsitzungen ‘Geographien der Finanzialisierung’.

13–14.11.2020:The urban political ecologies of climate finance”, Hilbrandt, H. & F.J. Grafe, KU Leuven / Univ. of Oklahoma.

02.2020:Zur Vermessung der Nachhaltigkeit: Kalkulative Praxen, Regierungstechniken und Hürden in der globalen Verbreitung ‘grüner’ Finanzprodukte“, Hilbrandt, H., Neue Kulturgeographie NKG XVII, Bonn.

18-21.09.2019:The futures of financialization. Temporal infrastructures, dominations and openings in the develop­ment of the Thames Tideway Tunnel”, Hilbrandt, H., RC21 Conference ‘In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Per­sistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures’, New Delhi, India.

09.2019:Zeit als Infrastruktur: Zeitliche Widersprüche, Machtverhältnisse und Konflikte im Bau des Thames Tideway Tunnels“, Hilbrandt, H. and F.-J. Grafe, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Kiel.


Hilbrandt, H.; Grafe, F.-J.; Colven, E.; Knuth, S.; Ponder, S. and Z. Taylor (forthcoming). Decentering Urban Climate Finance. Special Feature. City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action.

Hilbrandt, H.; Kear, M.; Ponder, S. and Robin, E. (in print). Ordinary climate finance: urban improvisation, historical violence and reparation. City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action: First submitted 02.2023.

Interview: Hilbrandt, H. and J. Schumacher (2024). “Die Klimakrise wird auf ein Finanzierungsproblem reduziert”. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 12.07.2024.

Schumacher, J. M.; Hilbrandt, H. (2024). Troubling the spatial politics of Green New Deals: Towards a Youngian approach to global justice. Political Geography, 108:103037.

Grafe, F.-J.; Forino, G.; Fraser, A.; Hilbrandt, H. and J. H. Morris (2023). Understanding the functioning of urban climate finance through topologies of reach. City, 1-16.

Grubbauer, M. and H. Hilbrandt (2023) Urban shifts in the financialization of development: the case of the World Bank’s City Creditworthiness Initiative. In: Chiapello E.; Engels, A.; Gonçalves Gresse, E. (Eds.) Financiali­sations of Development: Global Games and Local Experiments, Routledge, 63-77.

Grafe, F.-J.; Hilbrandt, H. and T. van der Haegen (2023) The financial ecologies of climate urbanism: Project preparation and the anchoring of global climate finance, Journal of Urban Affairs.10.1080/07352166.2023.2235035

Hilbrandt, H. and Grafe, F.-J. (2023) Thinking topologically about urban climate finance: geographical inequalities and Mexico’s urban landscapes of infrastructure investment. Urban Geography.

Hilbrandt, H. and Grafe, F.-J. (2022) Urban Visions of Global Climate Finance: Dispossessive Mechanisms of Futuring in the Making of Groy. In Un/doing-futures: IJURR Special Section.

Grubbauer, M. and H. Hilbrandt (2020) Die Stadt im Fokus klima- und entwicklungspolitischer Agenden: Ak­teure, Wahrheitsregime und Reregulierungsprozesse. Sub\urban 8(1/2): 137-–162.

Hilbrandt, H. and M. Grubbauer (2020) Standards and SSOs in the contested widening and deepening of finan­cial markets: The arrival of Green Municipal Bonds in Mexico City. Environment and Planning A, 52(7): 1415–1433.

Audio Publication: Hilbrandt, H. ‘Urban Climate Finance at the edge of viability?’ The Urban Political Pod­cast, with Emma Colven, Zac Taylor, Sarah Knuth, Sage Ponder, 12.01.2021

Audio Publication: Hilbrandt, H. Contributor ‘Urban Sustainability as New Financial Fix?’ The Urban Political Pod­cast. 03.03.2020,

Newspaper Article: Hilbrandt, H. ‘Green New City. Metropolen weltweit starten Klimaschutzinitiativen. Wie aussichtsreich ist das?’ In: Analyse und Kritik, 21.01.2020